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My grandfather’s life and father’s life taught me to sacrifice for the next generation. Grandpa came to a new world to give his kids a chance for a better life than they would have had in Croatia. He died a young man in a coal mine cave in. He left my father the youngest child with 4 older sisters.

My father slept on the floor of his sisters’ room where 3 of them shared a bed while the oldest sister slept with their mother. Not a day went by that he didn’t teach me I could be anything I wanted to be, if I got an education. He never attended a university, but was determined I would have more opportunities than he had. I never met a more kind, honest, gentle and giving person as my father. He taught me to work for what I wanted. He would say to work like a horse to make it happen and if that wasn’t enough to work like two horses. He reminded me frequently that anything was possible in America. He taught me to dream.

They are both gone. It’s up to me now to protect those freedoms to succeed for my children and grandchildren. I need to teach them to dream. Just like my ancestors, I believe anything is possible in New Mexico. I want the same for your children and grandchildren. We need to settle for nothing less.

If we want things to change, we've to to change.

If we want things to be better, we need to be better.

We are what we think we are. I think we are a rich State that has just not reached it’s potential. As your Senator, I want to make the changes needed to get us off the top of all the bad lists and off the bottom of all the good lists. I firmly believe New Mexico can be #1. We just need to decide that’s what we want and stay focused. We need to make the changes to earn that title of #1. I want to make things happen. We have accepted the status quo for too long. I need your help to model New Mexico’s future for it’s people. I welcome you to share my dream of greatness for all families for the future. Steve Komadina PO Box 2085 Corrales, New Mexico 87048

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